Permaculture Chat – April 2014


By Shirley James, PCC Secretary

Judging by the amount of animated questions and discussion at the last Information Night when Michael Neville spoke about waste management I guess Kerrie hit the jackpot with a speaker who was of interest to all.  At the next Information Night we are going to hear John Asquith speak on Environmental Concerns facing the Central Coast.  John has a long history of involvement with environmental matters so it will be interesting to see what he has to say.


Michael Neville

The Garden Team is still looking for someone who would like to have an activity take place at their property; so if you could have a think about whether you might like to have a frog pond, no dig garden,a wicking bed or anything else that might be suitable for a workshop, which would provide something you want and would enable others to learn how to do it could you let Peta, Lexxie or Maree know at the meeting next Tuesday.


Working Bee – Sep 2013

Linda is still looking for people who could help out at the Ecoburbia Festival so if you can provide any plants or help in any way she would be most appreciative.  The email address you can contact her at is

The rain has been wonderful for our gardens.  Isn’t it great not to have to worry about watering and using our precious water supply!!  Jean’s fruit orchard is doing well and he has a great crop of guavas.  With the threatened shortage of honey all you people with beehives will be feeling very happy with yourselves and some of us will be very envious

If you have any of the plastic bread tags (I mean the tag that hold the packet closed) could you bring them along so we can give them to Sally, the lady who is going to take them to Africa.  They are collected and recycled.  It takes 200kg of bread tags to fund a wheelchair for some needy person.  The organisation donates approximately 30 wheelchairs each year – that’s approximately 6000kg of bread tags diverted from landfill, recycled and used to make items like seedling trays and coat hangers.  That’s a lot of bread tags so see how many we can help with.  There will be a box at the front desk so you can pop them in as you enter.

Lynne did a wonderful job of organising the kitchen and many thanks to all the generous people who brought along goodies for supper.  I heard a few people remarking how good it was and it added to the friendly chat around the table.  It was also great to see people pop into the kitchen to help.

Robyn is working hard on organising the Gosford Show and has had several orders for trees but if you still haven’t given her your order I’m sure she will be happy to take it on Tuesday.  If you have never worked on the PCC stand at the Show do give it a thought because it is interesting and fun.

2012 Gosford Show bump-in

Chicken coop at the Gosford Show

Hope to see you all on Tuesday 15th April.