Permaculture Central Coast

We are an enthusiastic group of volunteers that work together to encourage more people on the NSW Central Coast to learn, practice and teach permaculture.

We want to inspire people everywhere to get more permaculture happening on the ground.

What is permaculture

Meg McGowan defines Permaculture as an ethically based design pattern for creating integrated systems that rebuild ecological health while providing for the needs of people and all other life.

Alternatively, see What Permaculture isn’t.

Latest news


Recycling: Used whiteboard markers

Whiteboards are a great invention. Clear to see and easy to use. I use a small one every day for maths practice. Saves so much paper. Ethically a blackboard would be a better option though as as whiteboards while saving paper generate plastic waste via the endless...

2 different types of whiteboard markers

Using Herbs

Transcript of Jen's fabulous talk on herbs including how to process home-grown herbs. And her favourite herbal recipes (tea, oils and vinegar, tinctures...)

Upcoming events


Seventh-day Adventist Church Hall


Seventh-day Adventist Church Hall


Seventh-day Adventist Church Hall


Seventh-day Adventist Church Hall

Group photo by Leisa Cox