At the AGM in Nov 2017, we asked members 3 questions:
- What do you get from PCC ?
- What would you like to get from PCC ?
- What sort of activities do you appreciate ?
The PCC Committee will use this data to plan activities, improve our organisation, etc… Not everything may be possible (eg at the moment, we can’t afford to get Geoff Lawton for a talk), but we’ll use this data as a general guide.
To make this happen, we’ll need more volunteers as the few Committee members are already stretched to their limits. If you can help in any capacity, please contact us.
What do you get from PCC ?
What would you like to get from PCC ?
What sort of activities do you appreciate ?
Note: I’ve categorised members’ ideas but they’re not sorted in any particular order.
- More attention to application of ethics, discussion about principles
- Learn about permaculture (resources)
- More detailed info
- How to get rid of pennywort
- More garden, plant & practical advice
- Chicken whisperer
- Spaghetti bib – how to make
- Fertilisers natural
- Sourdough making
- Seed saving, propagation of natives
- Fermenting
- Learn new things, share knowledge
- Local bushfood
- Pest control
- Seasonal planting
- Detailed how to grow this plant
- Retrofitting
- Zero waste
- How to recycle things
- Mushrooms innoculated logs
- Recipe swap
- Show & Tell plants
- Naturepath – superfoods
- Wood working
- Craft
- Workshops (bees, chickens, aquaponics)
- Mushroom growing
- Help design a permaculture garden from scratch
- Tour to Kimbriki & New Leaf Nursery
- Working bees
- Design brainstorming (collective)
- Wyong River catchment tour with Council
- Pioneer wetlands tour
- Practical workshops (wicking beds)
- Organisation
- More people on Committee to spread the load & younger
- PCC wwoofing-like system
- Come earlier
- Supper: allergy labels
- Get younger people involved
- Handouts/fact sheets
- Swapping
- Seed bank
- Raffles
- Presentations in schools
- Talk by Geoff Lawton
- Festival talks
- Sharing ideas about what others do/have done (eg Eckard’s talk, Barbara’s talk)
- Members Talks
- Getting to know people
- Feedback from members, new ideas
- Looking at ways to increase sustainability on CC + feedback to Council