Permaculture Chat, Nov 2014


I don’t know how many of you went to Woytopia but it was a really worthwhile day. Lots of things were happening, talks, music , stalls and that includes ours which did attract quite a lot of interest and netted us some new members who were very welcome at the last Information Night. The volunteers who were there had a chance to look around because we had enough people to cover for them

The members’ talks were varied: wicking beds, trading without money, how to be a minimalist, wood fuelled ovens, Bhutanese agriculture, Friends of Coastal Open Space System, and Holgate School Garden. So in that lot there must be something of interest to everyone and it was so good to see new members giving talks.

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Speaking of our new members we all welcome Julie and Greg P, Geoff P and Kevin A. I hope you enjoy permaculture and help spread the word as you practise it in your own life. We look forward to seeing you at our monthly Information Nights and other activities.

The wicking bed workshop went well and now Thedig has wicking beds, which Steve is happy about, because the dreaded Pennywort can’t create problems. If anyone can go a bit early to the Information Night Steve would appreciate your help in the garden.

How do you manage to get the Stinkbugs off your citrus trees? After removing them by hand we found that even though we were wearing gloves we had brilliant orange stains on our fingers and they don’t wash off. Maybe I’ll ask that question at the AGM. when we have our Question and Answer Game. Don’t forget to get your questions ready. This game will I suspect be informative and fun. I hope you can all manage to bring along some food as Helen has requested in an email she sent out because I know what yummy food has appeared at some of our Information Nights so we should all enjoy our dinner on Tuesday.

Our collection of seeds seemed to have almost disappeared last month so if anyone can bring surplus seeds they have collected it would be great. Permies should all collect seeds from their successful crops, so please save any extras, stick them in a little packet and label them and our seed swap will be an advantage to us all in 2015.

Don’t forget your bread tags because Tuesday is the last day we are collecting them. We have collected a very respectable amount so far. See if we can make it even

Hope to see you all on Tuesday 18th