PCC Permablitz

Members working in a backyard
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A Permablitz is a kind of working bee with a permaculture focus.

A group of people all meet up at the host's property and help them to implement their permaculture design. The host gets a big step forward in their plans, and participants get hands-on experience learning permaculture methods and techniques.

Hosts don't participate because they need to be free to answer questions and to help supervise.

How it works:

  1. You need to be a member of Permaculture Central Coast to host or take part in a blitz.
  2. You need to participate in at least two blitz’s as a volunteer to host a blitz.
  3. The host prepares a main meal for the team for the day in according to dietary restrictions of the group on the day.
  4. The host needs to have a permaculture design for at least the section of the property they want blitzed. This does not need to be a formal design, just a design considering the ethics and principles of permaculture for redeveloping the property.
  5. Tickets are free and made available through Humanitix.