Growing community

Sue Bradley

Date(s) - 21/08/2022
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm



Come along to SWAMP (Sustainable Wetlands Agricultural Makers Project) and hear the founder Sue Bradley chat on Cultivating Community Culture. Through creating a community garden, urban farm, environmental educational space and more, generations and diverse community groups are connecting. Inspiration, knowledge and friendship is formed through being a part of something greater than themselves. Sue has been a podcaster for over 5 years, co-creating Shine Central Coast and more recently founded her own podcast series called The Kitchen Table.

She offers a large breadth of knowledge and experience of bringing people together around organic food and permaculture principles.

Please park in the carpark on the other side of the conference hall (near the old silos). There is a path that is easily followed to the garden.

Bring a chair to sit on as there is limited seating

If you have limited mobility please note there is space for 3-4 cars to park at the garden gate.

Arts and crafts table available for children-can BYO craft



  • Toilets on site



1897 South Tacoma Rd, Tuggerah NSW 2259