Date(s) - 15/07/2014
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Tuggerah Hall
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Guest speaker: Jill Finnane
Jill Finnane is the Eco Justice Coordinator for the Edmund Rice Centre, which includes. coordinating the Pacific Calling Partnership (PCP), an initiative of the Centre, which aims build networks to work in partnership with Pacific Island countries impacted by the effects of climate change. PCP raises awareness in community and schools about the impact of climate change on Pacific Island nations, and builds coalitions for advocacy and action nationally and internationally. She has been part of delegations to the UN Climate change conferences in Copenhagen and Cancun.
Previously, Jill worked with Action for World Development as a community educator on sustainable development. She is a permaculture practitioner and teacher of permaculture which she has taught in Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Australia. She has written two books:‘When You Grow Up’ which she co-authored with an Australian Indigenous woman, Constance Nungala McDonald and ‘Lawns in to Lunch’ which is about ordinary people growing food in the city and she has contributed a chapter to ‘Permaculture Pioneers’ and ‘City Permaculture1’ and ‘City Permaculture2’ .
Tuesday, 15th July, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
Tuggerah Hall, Anzac Road, Tuggerah, directly opposite Hungry Jacks – within easy walking distance of Tuggerah Railway Station.