Date(s) - 21/04/2020
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
This will be our first online Zoom information evening – it’s a Members Talk we’re calling ‘Permaculture in Isolation’.
The ‘Information evening via Zoom’ idea is new to all of us, so we just want to stress that it may be messy and a little awkward at times – we’ll just do our best and, hopefully, improve for next time. Of course, any ideas or feedback from seasoned Zoomers is always welcome!
We are still looking for a few more volunteers to talk about whatever Permaculture activities they’ve been up to over the last few months. We’d love to hear from you! Please contact Carin Clegg to register your interest and send through a couple of photos.
If you’d like to talk but are unsure because of the technology, please let us know. We can help set you up and ensure you are ready to join in.
There’s a short, easy to read guide to participating in a Zoom session here, and for those interested, the zoom meeting will be open from 6:30 pm on Tuesday night (the meeting will start at 7:00pm), so if you want to test your connection, join early and Carin, Sandi or Wanda will be online to help.
Alternatively, if you haven’t joined a Zoom meeting before, you could ask a family member to help and to do a test run with you, OR email Sandi or Wanda for help and a test run sometime before next Tuesday night.
To access the meeting, you will need a smartphone, tablet/iPad, laptop or computer with a camera, microphone and internet connection. The Zoom app is free to use but you will need some data. If you are connected to your home Wi-Fi this will not be an issue. If you are using mobile data, you can expect to use approximately 100Mb per hour, which is not much.
Please join in – we think it will be a fun night and it would be great to see all your faces again!
Tuesday, 21st April 2020, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start
At home.
To Join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 387 490 618
Password: 814194 (only if you are prompted. This should not be necessary)
If you need to join by phone (NB this is different to using the Zoom app on your phone). Joining by phone will incur call costs.
Dial: +61 2 8015 6011 Australia
Members: free
Visitors: gold coin donation (waived for online meetings)