Date(s) - 10/11/2019
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Fires Creek Winery
Come along and catch up with friends and neighbours enjoying a soothing iced herbal tea (it’s free!)
Share in beautiful locally grown fruit and vegetables. If we’re lucky, there will also be eggs, preserves, worm tea, manure, seedlings, seeds, ornamental plants and cuttings.
No produce? No worries. Just make a donation to a local organisation that will be onsite. $5 per person or $10 per family (or whatever you can afford).
We start at 10.00am and the event is usually over by 11.00am but you are welcome to stay and chat or wander the garden.
TIP: Please try to be on time. Once the produce is on the tables we will ring the chimes to allow everyone to start gathering (usually around 10.15am). Late-comers may miss out.
REQUESTS: Please NO DOGS. We love them, but we already have crowds, children and food, so dogs are not such a great addition to the mix. We are also mindful that some people are anxious around dogs (even though your dog might be lovely).
Children are welcome. Firescreek has open water and the site includes a number of hazards. Please keep your children with you. You are welcome to wander the garden with them.
Produce shares operate under the umbrella of the gift economy, an alternative way of transacting with others that has generosity at its heart. A produce share is a place where local people bring their surplus produce and give it away to others. That’s it. No money, no bartering.
The thinking behind our produce share is that generosity benefits everyone. Those of us with a surplus don’t end up with waste, and an unwanted glut, and those that receive it get access to free, healthy, local produce, plants, seeds and flowers. Best of all we get to meet each other, to make new friends and to learn more about how to grow food in our own area.
At our foundation are the ethics of permaculture; Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.
We operate according to three principles:
1. Give generously with no expectation of a return
2. Receive gratefully with no obligation of a debt
3. Share fairly with others and take only what you can use
Please come along and say hello at our share events. They need you to survive and thrive. You can bring produce from your garden, including vegies, fruit, herbs, eggs, honey, home baked goods and preserves, seeds, seedlings, cuttings, potted plants (including ornamentals) and cut flowers. We’ve even had horse poo! But no SCOBY’s please because they upset the wine.
If you would prefer to contribute your time and energy you’re welcome to help us with setting up and cleaning up instead. We’re looking for two or three really keen people to join our coordinating group so it you’re a local who is as excited about produce sharing as we are, just let us know.