Tour Inner City Sustainable House with Micheal Mobbs

Someone inspecting a home-made worm farm in a dense garden

Date(s) - 05/08/2023
11:00 am - 2:00 pm


Join Permaculture Central Coast for a tour of Micheal Mobbs sustainable house from 11am to 12pm then for a lunch and book review from 12:30pm to 2pm. We suggest the sustainable option of catching a train from the Central Coast. The suggest train runs from Wyong Station at 8:05 and Gosford station at 08:27 and Woy Woy at 8:38 we can meet in the 2nd carriage from the front. We can either change trains at Strathfield and arrive at Redfern at 10.15 or Central at 10.17. It is a 10min walk from Redfern and 20min walk from Central. We can decide on the day based on weather and preference.

With regards to lunch venue please send suggestions to our president and we will send out an email closer to the date to confirm venue menu and booking numbers.

More information about the Sustainable House Tour

Michael Mobbs is a gardener, environmentalist and lawyer.

Cut your bills, reduce your pollution and get healthy with local food you grow or buy.

Since 1996, I have had energy and water bills of less than $300 per year – the house has been disconnected from mains water and sewer since 1996. In March 2015, I disconnected my house from the poles and wires of the main electricity grid, and since then solar panels and batteries have powered the house.

This is an event available to members of Permaculture Central Coast only you can join PCC for as little as 20$ per year.